What we do

Capture | Assess


IP identification and capture is the foundation on which competitive advantage is built. We help our clients identify and capture IP within their businesses and to assess protection options. This can include patent database searching and assessing patentability and the scope of protection they might obtain.

Protect | Secure


Protection is key to creating value from IP. We devise and implement strategies to protect the IP created by our clients. We use tools like patents, trade secrets | confidential information, and design registration, and through our network of IP specialists, copyright and trade mark registration. We draft applications, actively manage formal protection processes and advocate on behalf of our clients until their IP rights are secured. Our reach is global. We have an extensive network of independent legal specialists we can call on to assist with securing protection in key overseas markets. We also help foreign innovators gain protection for their IP in Australia and New Zealand, by filing national phase and convention applications, for example.



Effective management of IP portfolios is critical to maintaining and leveraging value. We manage IP portfolios on behalf of our clients. We can conduct IP audits and portfolio reviews and monitor and pay fees to maintain IP rights.

Develop | Educate


IP awareness | an IP culture is an important factor in building a successful company. We develop IP policies, procedures and strategies for our clients; to identify | capture | protect | manage | exploit their IP. We provide IP awareness | education sessions for staff | management.

Liability | Risk


Being in business can be risky. We help our clients assess liability | risk by conducting IP audits of their businesses and providing freedom to operate searches and infringement opinions.

Exploit | Deploy


Through our network of commercial law specialists, we can help our clients license, sell or otherwise exploit the value in their IP. We can carry out due diligence to assess the quantity and quality of IP assets in preparation for investment, licensing or acquisition.

Contract | In-house


We can provide in-house IP services and support to companies or act on a traditional contract patent attorney basis. The choice is yours.



We provide IP services covering a broad range of technologies. Got a highly specialised area of technology? No problem, we can leverage our extensive network of experts to ensure the best fit for your technology needs.